Friday, April 07, 2006

Letter to Congress

Immigration Enforcement! No Immigration Reform.
Pro-amnesty talking points are lies!

We have substantial laws in place to deal with the issues [created by lax enforcement].


Fine employers who hire illegals!

Deport illegals! They are not immigrants. They are lawless, opportunists.

Pro-amnesty talking points are lies. Illegals are a drain on U.S. society in many ways.

Illegal aliens commit crimes [rape, robbery, forgery]; drug smuggling; and gang activities.
Illegal aliens bring diseases across the border with them [polio, virulent tuberculosis, syphilis, viruses, and …]
Illegal aliens get social services [welfare checks, health care, and public school] paid for by American Taxpayers.
Illegal aliens increase population density in our cities adding to pollution and congestion.
Illegal alien encampments in wild areas destroy wildlife habitat and pollute our creeks and rivers. They are a threat to the environment.
Illegal aliens take jobs away from American Citizens.

The policy of allowing illegal adults to remain in this country because they gave birth on U.S. soil must change! I work in public school in southern California. 90-95% of the children I ‘teach’ are from illegal Mexican families and regularly and voluntarily, travel to Mexico to ‘see’ family and spend a good portion of the school year. Public school is merely ‘baby sitting service’ to these children and their families. The students do not do well because they miss a good portion of the lessons when away and don’t make the work up when they return. Their presence in school is a disruption and drain to the American children who attend all year. The ‘migrant’ children bring school grade scores down. These families must be made to choose [for the stability of the children]; return to Mexico and stay, or return to Mexico and apply for U.S. Citizenship – through the proper channels, under CURRENT LAW. Those here, who have made babies can leave with the children and apply for prime consideration based on the children’s status.

Even if they have squatted on U.S. soil for 5, 7, 10, 12 years they still must be subject to the law. There is no statute of limitations for illegal entry into the U.S. unless Congress [against public will] hands out the free pass [amnesty]. The opinion polls published by the Media are skewed and do not truly reflect majority American opinion. Pro-amnesty talking points are lies. Americans will do ANY job, for a decent wage. Business wants a peon-class that will work for next to nothing. We fought a war about this in the 19th century. Then, it was to free the slaves imported to do farm labor on Southern plantations. Today, the issue is to send the slaves home! Let Americans work and work for a decent [even if minimum] wage.
Build a border fence!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Illegal plain and simple

Thomas Sowell exposes the lefts phoney argument pro amnesty for illegals: